Should We Cancel Aristotle?

Agnes Callard* He defended slavery and opposed the notion of human equality. But he is not our enemy. The Greek philosopher Aristotle did not merely condone slavery, he defended it; he did not merely defend it, but defended it as beneficial to the slave. His view was that some people are, by nature, unable toContinue reading “Should We Cancel Aristotle?”

Arguing for a secular state

Secularism needs religion to provide a moral guidance for the community and in turn, religion needs secularism to mediate the relations between the different communities that share the same political space and space of civic reason, writes Ahmad Farouk Musa.   To many Muslims and especially the Islamists, the term secular is a very repugnantContinue reading “Arguing for a secular state”

When You Do Not Understand What Are Riches And How To Become Rich

Dr Mahathir said something silly about “Chinese being rich“. Hello here is some news about a rich non Chinese : Lets say this fellow was in a 25% tax bracket – that means his taxable income was FOUR TIMES MORE ie RM37m x 4 = RM148 MILLION !! Wow!  Just what exactly was his business thatContinue reading “When You Do Not Understand What Are Riches And How To Become Rich”